138 research outputs found

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    Severe Pneumonia Caused by Coinfection With Influenza Virus Followed by Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Induces Higher Mortality in Mice

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    Background: Coinfection with influenza virus and bacteria is a major cause of high mortality during flu pandemics. Understanding the mechanisms behind such coinfections is of utmost importance both for the clinical treatment of influenza and the prevention and control of epidemics.Methods: To investigate the cause of high mortality during flu pandemics, we performed coinfection experiments with H1N1 influenza virus and Staphylococcus aureus in which mice were infected with bacteria at time points ranging from 0 to 7 days after infection with influenza virus.Results: The mortality rates of mice infected with bacteria were highest 0–3 days after infection with influenza virus; lung tissues extracted from these co-infected mice showed higher infiltrating cells and thicker lung parenchyma than lung samples from coinfected mice in which influenza virus was introduced at other times and sequences. The levels of interferon (IFN)-γ, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-8, and IL-6 in the 0–3 day coinfected group were significantly higher than those in the other groups (p < 0.01), as were the mRNA levels of IFN-γ, IL-6, and TNF-α. Coinfection with influenza virus and S. aureus led to high mortality rates that are directly dependent on the sequence and timing of infection by both pathogens. Moreover, coinfection following this particular schedule induced severe pneumonia, leading to increased mortality.Conclusions: Our data suggest that prevention of bacterial co-infection in the early stage of influenza virus infection is critical to reducing the risk of clinical mortality

    Pushing the Limits of Machine Design: Automated CPU Design with AI

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    Design activity -- constructing an artifact description satisfying given goals and constraints -- distinguishes humanity from other animals and traditional machines, and endowing machines with design abilities at the human level or beyond has been a long-term pursuit. Though machines have already demonstrated their abilities in designing new materials, proteins, and computer programs with advanced artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, the search space for designing such objects is relatively small, and thus, "Can machines design like humans?" remains an open question. To explore the boundary of machine design, here we present a new AI approach to automatically design a central processing unit (CPU), the brain of a computer, and one of the world's most intricate devices humanity have ever designed. This approach generates the circuit logic, which is represented by a graph structure called Binary Speculation Diagram (BSD), of the CPU design from only external input-output observations instead of formal program code. During the generation of BSD, Monte Carlo-based expansion and the distance of Boolean functions are used to guarantee accuracy and efficiency, respectively. By efficiently exploring a search space of unprecedented size 10^{10^{540}}, which is the largest one of all machine-designed objects to our best knowledge, and thus pushing the limits of machine design, our approach generates an industrial-scale RISC-V CPU within only 5 hours. The taped-out CPU successfully runs the Linux operating system and performs comparably against the human-designed Intel 80486SX CPU. In addition to learning the world's first CPU only from input-output observations, which may reform the semiconductor industry by significantly reducing the design cycle, our approach even autonomously discovers human knowledge of the von Neumann architecture.Comment: 28 page

    Identification and characterization of IgNAR and VNAR repertoire from the ocellate spot skate (Okamejei kenojei)

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    Elasmobranchs are crucial for comparative studies of evolution, as they belong to the most ancient vertebrate lineages that survived numerous extinction events and persist until today. The immunoglobulin new antigen receptor (IgNAR) found in sharks and heavy-chain-only antibody (HCAb) found in camelidae are products of convergent evolution. Although it was previously believed that IgNAR emerged 220 million years ago, before the divergence of sharks and skates, there is limited evidence to support this. In this study, we provide data supporting the existence of IgNAR in the ocellate spot skate (Okamejei kenojei) mononuclear cell transcriptome and peripheral blood serum. Additionally, we characterize the germline gene configuration of the ocellate spot skate IgNAR V domain. The ocellate spot skate IgNAR structure prediction and VNAR crystal structure exhibit high similarity to their shark counterparts. These data strongly suggest that IgNAR in both sharks and skates share a common ancestor. Sequencing of the ocellate spot skate VNAR repertoire provided crucial data for further understanding of the IgNAR generation. Notably, we discovered that approximately 99% of the ocellate spot skate VNARs belonged to type IV. This represents an exceptionally high proportion of type IV within the VNAR repertoire, which has not been documented in previously studied elasmobranchs. This unique characteristic of the ocellate spot skate VNAR adds essential structural diversity to the naĂŻve VNAR library from elasmobranchs and could potentially benefit the development of pharmaceutical drugs

    Crystallography of a Lewis-Binding Norovirus, Elucidation of Strain-Specificity to the Polymorphic Human Histo-Blood Group Antigens

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    Noroviruses, an important cause of acute gastroenteritis in humans, recognize the histo-blood group antigens (HBGAs) as host susceptible factors in a strain-specific manner. The crystal structures of the HBGA-binding interfaces of two A/B/H-binding noroviruses, the prototype Norwalk virus (GI.1) and a predominant GII.4 strain (VA387), have been elucidated. In this study we determined the crystal structures of the P domain protein of the first Lewis-binding norovirus (VA207, GII.9) that has a distinct binding property from those of Norwalk virus and VA387. Co-crystallization of the VA207 P dimer with Ley or sialyl Lex tetrasaccharides showed that VA207 interacts with these antigens through a common site found on the VA387 P protein which is highly conserved among most GII noroviruses. However, the HBGA-binding site of VA207 targeted at the Lewis antigens through the α-1, 3 fucose (the Lewis epitope) as major and the β-N-acetyl glucosamine of the precursor as minor interacting sites. This completely differs from the binding mode of VA387 and Norwalk virus that target at the secretor epitopes. Binding pocket of VA207 is formed by seven amino acids, of which five residues build up the core structure that is essential for the basic binding function, while the other two are involved in strain-specificity. Our results elucidate for the first time the genetic and structural basis of strain-specificity by a direct comparison of two genetically related noroviruses in their interaction with different HBGAs. The results provide insight into the complex interaction between the diverse noroviruses and the polymorphic HBGAs and highlight the role of human HBGA as a critical factor in norovirus evolution
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